Saturday, June 18, 2011

Oldie recap: Illinois Marathon

I smell of potential...STINKY potential, but potential nonetheless! Rather than dwell on this morning's sub-par run of the Paul Skeffington Memorial 5-miler in a demoralizing 51:20, I'm revisiting last April's Illinois Marathon in may not have been a sub-4:30, but it was a PR by 28 minutes and I'll take it!

This is definately a marathon I hope to revisit as there were so many great things about the event that I don't know where to start! The weather cooperated pretty well with temps at the start around 50 with cloud cover and a strong wind from the southeast. If it could've stayed that way throughout, I may have done better, but eventually the clouds blew away revealing beautiful blue skies and bright sun.
I stuck to my game plan, staying relaxed at the 11 min pace, but the guy leading the 5-hour pace group was so annoying that I picked it up so I wouldn't have to watch him run backwards or listen to his corny jokes. As a result, by about the time we reached Mile 8 and entered a park/trail area, I'd caught the 4:45 pace group and simply hung with them up to Mile 18.
The field was open enough that I was able to practice running the tangents, which was fun. I fueled every 5 miles with a Gu and an FRS chew and drank water at every water/Gatorade stop. At Mile 18, I hit some kind of a wall, my energy tanked and it began to feel like work. I was getting hotter as the sun came out and it was growing more difficult to enjoy the experience.

From this point on, it was a walk/shuffle trudge-fest. About 2 miles from the finish, I removed the ear buds and just listened to everyone around me. I also thought about praying (see Gramma & the Marathon)...
About a half mile from the finish, when I tried to give up and walk, I had a lovely man run up from behind and say, "Come on, Baby Cakes! We're gonna do this thing!" When I tried to walk, he grabbed my hand and said, "We're gonna finish this thing with a 4 in front!" I held on for about a quarter mile and then had to let go as we made the final turn to the stadium where the head winds practically blew me off my feet. It bums me out that I never got that angel's name.

Finally I took the last turn into the stadium and gave a final push to cross the finish line. During the last half of the run, I remembered how I still had "gas in the tank" after Chicago. Well I can honestly say I gave it everything I had and left it all on the course. It reminded me of those first moments after giving birth, when you're just so damn grateful it's over. What a FABULOUS feeling!
I'm thrilled to report that I had my first Daily Mile encounter at the finish with Josh (an ultra runner) who made a mighty impressive marathon debut with a 4:04! Kudos, Man!!! And also that a high school friend hammered her first marathon in 4:20! Congrats, Melanie!!!
The route was lovely and flat, winding through the university campus as well as neighborhoods of both Champaign and Urbana. And the towns people came out in full force with loads of cheering and support! But I think finishing on the football field in the stadium was the cherry on top, super duper funtastic! It was a really great experience and I truly hope to go back next year...
...and I'll definately remember the Body Glide.

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