Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Grey Box Time

Wow, if it wasn't for my nephew's blog post, I wouldn't have visited blogger and seen how long it's been since I've put anything up! I'll just share about our new family venture: Grey Box Time. Grey Box Time is any time spent in front of a tv, computer, Wii, DS, etc. Because I fear the loss of my children's brain matter over these summer months, we're implementing a reward program within the confines of Casa Reed Murrell: for every hour of honest labor, you'll earn 15 minutes of Grey Box Time a.k.a GBT.

Today is Day 1 and thus far, we've earned 45 minutes of GBT. The kids and I have scrubbed one bedroom, a rec room, a bathroom, inventoried book shelves (i.e. "whatever you don't want, put in storage") and moved stuff to the attic. So far, it's working.

We've lunched, the kids have Wii'ed (hmmm, a verb?) and now it's back to the proverbial grindstone.
I'd love to reason that GBT also applies to the Dready and my new Jillian Michaels DVD but that would not help my Food Baby....*sigh*

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