Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Feb. 5, 2011--B-rrry Scurry

4.04 miles/09:03 pace/226th in a field of 659:

Meh!!! Despite this being the fastest I've run an event, I didn't fuel well, thus didn't feel well--no cereal, no vitamins, just grabbed a plain bagel and coffee before running out the door for more coffee with friends. En route I stopped at a gas station for a Mtn. Dew, Tootsie Roll log and bag of sour gummy worms. Yeah, DUMBA$$!!!!

By the time the race came around at Noon I'd failed to put a drop of water in my body or really anything that would count as a fuel. Fortunately the weather was nice and the course was flat. I ran, but had trouble getting comfortable with my pace and felt tired and breathless the whole time (hmmm, wonder why?). I even stopped and walked a few steps around the 2.5 mile marker. But I'd hoped to get a time of 36:59 or better and did accomplish that. Frowny Face for my non-negative splits: 8:56, 9:03, 9:16, and 9:06 with an extra 20 seconds for the .04 on my Garmin.

That's me in the pink top #478 with about a quarter mile to go. Fortunately no aches/pains/injuries. Just no "umph" and outta gas!

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