Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Jan. 15, 2011--Frostbite Footrace aka Big F'er

5.01 miles/9:52 pace

HOLY SHITAKI MUSHROOMS did this race kick the crap outta me! I should look on the bright side and that is, this time last year, I couldn't run 5 miles, let alone do it under 50 min. But that's about the only bright spot...

Occurring in Iowa's Scott County Park, when Hubs and I lived closer, we used to bike through it. The hills were a great challenge. That was 10 years ago....my how the mind has a way of forgetting the pain. Where we live now, I have the opportunity to run a lot of hills, lots of looong hills. The hills in Scott County Park are, by comparison, WALLS. And some of them are really tall walls!

Fortunately I didn't suffer any major aches, strains or pains and because I like to start out in the back of the pack, I passed more then I was passed. That said, I really had a chance to check myself mentally and look at my competitive nature. Here's the ugliness that I saw A) when I see other girl runners, my initial reaction is to size them up in judgement; B) if they pass me, I curse them (internally) and if I pass them, I cheer them (again, internally). How AWFUL! I SUCK!!!

I recognized this within the first couple miles so I countered it by cheering (not in my head, but with my voice) the lead female after she hit the turn around and was running toward me. I also cheered on the lead guys. As the race neared its end, I (mentally) cheered and sent well wishes to the women in front of me. Several times during the race, I had to stop and walk. I really hate, hate, HATE when I have to do this, but again, I checked my competitive nature and saw the need to accept the fact that, for me, walking is sometimes gonna be part of the race.

When it comes down to it, whether we won, PRed, walked it or finished dead last, we did it...on a cold January day, when most people were camped on the couch.

I now see how vital it is for me to be a channel for positive energy toward my fellow female runners. Whether or not any of "My Girls" have caught on to this character defect, I sincerely apologize and promise to see you as the amazing women you are...not my competition.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, this is Karen G from dailymile :) I just found your blog and read this post. You're really multitalented - runner, writer, etc!! i enjoyed reading about your honesty with first cursing the other female runners and then later cheering them. I remember almost nothing about any of the other participants in the Frostbite Footrace, as I was too focused on pushing myself to not quit the dang thing!! But so true how we need to be lifting up other women - not just in running but in all ways of life! Thanks for an encouraging read.
